
Families , Schools , Business

Experiences That will last a lifetime

KAS Travel looks to offer our clients experiences that will last a lifetime. When we plan your groups Best Trip Ever, we mean it. With our expert knowledge and industry relations we are able to put together trips that will be both memorable and meaningful.

Confidence in Experience

With KAS Travel Group, we offer you the ability to be as hands on or hands off in the planning stages as you would like. Either way, you can rest assured that we will plan the Best Trip Ever at the Best Price possible for you and your group.

What's in the standard group package?

You can customize Everything**





Request Your Quote Today

*Meals can be removed or handeled by parent / group organizations if need be;

** Customizations can be applied to most aspects of the package. Some packages  (cruises) itineraries or other pre-determined items cannot be customized